Monday, July 13, 2009

A series of events.

WOW, what a weekend.  Devoured by mosquitoes and melted in the heat at at wedding shoot on Saturday, had very little sleep due to a thunderstorm last night, sick kiddies today, (Nathan's fever is 101, I'm debating taking him in) and the black squirrel is back again, trying to break in via the air conditioner.  Fun, let me tell you. :)   The photos from the wedding on Saturday will take about a week to post, I am so excited about these, I can't wait to show you.  For today, I'll leave you with some pics of Lucas beating Jaco at Candyland.
Candyland 2

Candyland 3

Candyland 4


  1. kklaassen@telus.netJuly 13, 2009 at 12:35 PM

    Great pics! What is it about CandyLand that kids love so much? My kids love it too - I just wish it involved a little more strategy! :)
    Can't wait to see the wedding pics...looking forward to being involved next time!
    Take care, Kristy

  2. Sounds like life is full over on your end! :)
