Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bridal Falls continued

As promised, here are some more pics from our trek up to see the Bridal Falls on Sunday afternoon.  The boys had never seen the falls before, so it was exciting for them, and also for us to see their faces and watch them enjoy spending time outdoors.  The trail going up consists of a series of little wooden bridges winding over the creekbed.   Nathan was quite nervous about sitting on Dad's shoulders at first, but quickly figured out that he had the best seat in the house.
Once we made it to the top, the boys were amazed at just how much water there was coming down.
DSC_2958_0132 The lighting made it really tricky to take nicely exposed photos.  I either had to expose for the brightness of the waterfall, or the darkness where we were standing below.  I attempted to get a good balance between the two.  I shot all photos with my Nikon D80 and Tamron 28-75mm lens.
The boys played around a bit, throwing stones in the creek and climbing on these huge tree stumps.
Love spending time together.  I feel so blessed.
We took a different trail back to the parking lot.  The boys thought these stairs were pretty cool.
Holding daddy's hand, I have to remind myself to treasure these moments, they won't last forever.


  1. Awesome pics, Andrea! Nice to see one with you in it! Jaco did a fabulous job! He must be learning from a pro!

  2. Great shots! I know what you mean about the lighting!! Especially love the last one! You up for coffee some time soon?

  3. Hey Andrea. I love your photography website and was wondering... did you hire someone to make it for you or is it a generic site from online that you personalized? I'm trying to decide what to go with. Thanks.

  4. love the pics! especially the first one :)
