Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pikeminnow Fishing Derby

A bit overcast, but otherwise a perfect Saturday to go fishing.  Jaco and Lucas recently entered the Greg Clark Memorial Family Fishing Derby at Cultus Lake.  It made me happy to see Luke enjoying some one on one time with his Dad.
2009Jun20_0153 Nathan and I met the boys a little later in the day to hop in the boat and enjoy a ride around the lake.
2009Jun20_0150 Although neither of them caught any fish, Lucas proudly caught "a seaweed".2009Jun20_0167 We met friends of ours, Richard and his son Tyrel on the  lake.
2009Jun20_0152 My honey.  What a handsome feller. :)

1 comment:

  1. Great pics. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the sweet compliment. Have you taken Karen's class? I am very much looking forward to learning from her.
