Thursday, July 15, 2010

Carter - 2 months

Seriously.  I can’t believe I’m even typing this.. two months?? How on earth did they fly by so fast?  Sigh… we are enjoying you so much.

Carter 2 months 1 wsIn the last month you have:

Sat around your first campfire.
Gone for plenty of walks in our new stroller.
Celebrated your first ever Father’s Day with Daddy.
Kept us awake in the middle of the night cooing and smiling.
Attended your oldest brother Lucas’ preschool graduation.
Went camping for the very first time.
Slept 8 hours straight through the night.

Carter 2 months 3 wsSo sometimes when things seem bleak, when we’re all not getting enough sleep, and Daddy has got a fever of 102 and sleeps all day, and Mommy is trying to keep your brothers from destroying the house, (and each other), and it feels like you’re eating non-stop, and it seems the to-do list and work around here just keeps piling up, and for the life of me I cannot figure out what to make for dinner, you look up at me with those eyes, and all those worries fade away.  We love you little guy.  So much.


  1. very sweet :) love the write-up and the pictures.

  2. That's awesome Andrea. Keep enjoying these days - he'll be 1 and walking before you know it!
    Oh - and when you can't figure out what to do for dinner --- remember, cereal is iron - fortified. :-)
    LOVE the photos too .... can't wait for you to take pics of our family! :-)

  3. Awww..he's such a sweetheart. :)

  4. LOVE the pics! I suggest mac and cheese...or eggs on toast if you wanna be really healthy! ;)
