Was born to Brad & Rebecca at 2:02 am on 09/09/09. 8lbs 12oz and measured 20 inches long. (Rebecca is my sister, in case you didn't know that). After three girls, they now have a handsome little boy in the family. We are thankful that God made all things go well and that Justin could be delivered safely. Last night Rebecca called to let us know he does have a chest infection, so they will be staying a little longer in the hospital than anticipated. Justin will be in an incubator and on IV antibiotics until he recovers. Please say a prayer for our precious new nephew!
Beautiful shots Andrea!! He's a little Aikema for sure. Hope he gets better soon! Looking at your other pictures is such a joy, you really have talent with that camera, and so nice that you can record it all so nicely.
ReplyDeleteAnd so cute to see your old family picture, Nathan is completely YOU!!
Thanks for sharing. Do they know how Justin ended up with a chest infection?
ReplyDeletelove the beautiful shot of rebecca with her little girl! tell her congrats from me :)