Monday, June 15, 2009

2009 Veggie Garden

Thanks for the encouraging emails and comments after my last post.  After an incredibly relaxing weekend, I am feeling much better today.  Today I'm going to share my quaint veggie garden with you.  After last year's failed attempt to grow a garden with my sister Rebecca, I decided to pursue growing my own veggie garden this time around.  I included lettuce, carrots, beans and cucumbers.  Lucas especially loves wandering out there every morning to see "how far the beanstalks grew".
In preparation of planting, I learned that certain vegetables don't like to be next to others via this website (scroll down to the section on "planting companions").  Since I'm very new to gardening, I spent time researching tips and successful planting strategies for the Pacific Northwest.  I came across Andrea's blog, which has tons of great information, all organic, from a Northwest perspective.
Garden 1
Garden 2
Garden 3


  1. Looks good, Andrea! Lucas sounds like my kids! They love to check out how the garden is doing! Keep up great gardening work!

  2. impressive :) all I can grow is weeds!
    take care

  3. Lookin good Andrea!!

  4. love the gardening pics :)
    i can totally relate to the "it's not always what it seems" post. my girlfriends hit me over the head with reality when it looks like a potential breakdown is looming. love the photos of your men too :)
