Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just a little insight.

I apologize for being so MIA lately, there is a string of things I've been working on, and have given little thought to the blog.  One of the most exciting on the list is the launching of my new photography website.  It should hopefully be up and running in the near future, and once it is I will post a link to it here.  Those of you who know me well will know my ever insatiable desire to learn, to grow, to discover.  Along with it comes my ever increasing risk of preoccupation.  It all begins someplace, and takes over me until I find something new to satisfy my creative appetite.  That is precisely why I believe photography to be the "ultimate fix" for me, if you will.  The never-ending learning curve tied together with the art of precision and perfectionism.  Well, that fits me to a tee.  On a side note, I've been dreaming of living somewhere warm.  (For awhile now).  Of getting up before sunrise, walking down the coast and hopping in a kayak, paddling beyond, enjoying the warmth of the day and gently rolling in the surf.  I'm at a point of realizing so many goals and dreams that this seems entirely possible.  Now, if only I could convince Jake. :)


  1. Andrea, I can't wait to see the new site!! Don't keep me in suspense too long!! :)

  2. Define "near future" please!!....Looking forward to seeing it!

  3. That post describes me {grin}. I am in love with learning and photography has been a desire for a few years and it only seems to becoming more intense.
