Monday, February 23, 2009

My 'Lil Fisherman

Feb062008_Kilby with Opa & Oma_0263 W

  • He is turning into such an outdoors man (just like his papa). 

  • He's still a quiet, cautious character, and I'm proud to say he is a three year old with outstanding manners and neat eating habits. 

  • He loves to build sand castles, go fishing, and work in the yard with Dad. 

  • Indoors he loves to play games and puzzles, build with legos and of course play hockey in the playroom downstairs.  

  • Although he is generally a quiet little guy he can be quite outgoing when he wants to be. 

  • He is very intelligent and loves to recite his ABC's and 123's.  

  • He has his own language which sounds something like "chooba-chooba-alright-man"  and then laughs hysterically when people look at him with a strange expression.  (Don't ask me, I have no idea). 

  • His favorite foods right now are noodles, grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken, grapes, and watermelon.  

Also, trying out yet another logo for my business, and the website is taking longer than anticipated to complete.  (sorry Kristy!)  I'm very excited about it and can't wait to show it off!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Me again.

Perhaps the guilt of not having upated my blog for so long is catching up to me... hehe.. I don't really get why i go through long periods of no blog activity.  It's not like it's hard to do, i guess it's just a matter of bringing it back up to the top of my "to-do" list, instead of at the end of the list.  :)
Here's one of my niece Alyssa, I'm going through so many photos right now trying to decide which ones are worthy for the new website.  I just love these eyes.  So captivating.
Alyssa 8x10 2

Monday, February 16, 2009

What we love.

The boys Framed
Packing up the truck and heading to the river.  Last week Saturday we packed a lunch and a pile of firewood and spent a beautiful day at the river.  The boys played non-stop; Lucas casting and re-casting his fishing rod, Nathan constantly throwing balls down the beach and chasing after them.  We sat around a fire and enjoyed a wiener roast and finished the day off by building a huge sandcastle.  As we drove home later that day we only talked about when we'd be returning again to the river.
Boys Framed Scratched

Maternity Session

A couple Saturdays ago I went for a nice walk with my friend Cindy and we captured some maternity shots.  Just 4 days after these pictures were taken, her precious little guy Spencer was born.  Hopefully soon I'll have some adorable photos of him to share with you!
Cindy Black Frame 2

Cindy Booties Blue Frame

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just a little insight.

I apologize for being so MIA lately, there is a string of things I've been working on, and have given little thought to the blog.  One of the most exciting on the list is the launching of my new photography website.  It should hopefully be up and running in the near future, and once it is I will post a link to it here.  Those of you who know me well will know my ever insatiable desire to learn, to grow, to discover.  Along with it comes my ever increasing risk of preoccupation.  It all begins someplace, and takes over me until I find something new to satisfy my creative appetite.  That is precisely why I believe photography to be the "ultimate fix" for me, if you will.  The never-ending learning curve tied together with the art of precision and perfectionism.  Well, that fits me to a tee.  On a side note, I've been dreaming of living somewhere warm.  (For awhile now).  Of getting up before sunrise, walking down the coast and hopping in a kayak, paddling beyond, enjoying the warmth of the day and gently rolling in the surf.  I'm at a point of realizing so many goals and dreams that this seems entirely possible.  Now, if only I could convince Jake. :)