Monday, May 12, 2008

Asleep on the swing?...

The boys have been hit with more sickies the last few days, and I guess Lucas isn't totally one hundred percent yet.  He begged me today to go outside and play.  He was swinging nicely on the airplane swing, when I noticed the squeaking sound of the swing had stopped.  I looked outside to see him slumped over the front of the airplane.  At first I didn't know what to think... was he okay?  Did he get hurt?  Upon closer inspection I heard snoring.  He had actually fallen asleep while on the swing.  Wow, I've never seen this before!


  1. sweet! Poor little monkey! Hope you're all feeling better soon :-)

  2. aw, that is so sweet....not that he is sick, but how cute to fall asleep like that. Hope they are feeling better soon!

  3. that's such a cute picture! (martin thought so too).
    and... i had meant to comment before... but i love the layouts you've posted recently. keep them coming!
    as for the comment on my blog from taylor... it's only cause i participated in her challenge - i think she comments on everyone who participates! but it was fun to hear from her anyway!

  4. That is TOO funny! No, I've never seen that before either, maybe he needs a hammock this summer!
