Friday, April 18, 2008

Growing up all too fast.

Nathan_in_crib_1 Yesterday I walked into Nathan's room after he woke up from his nap, to find him standing in his crib!  Just in the last month he has started doing all kinds of new tricks.  Now that he is crawling he gets everywhere - fast.  Two nights ago at dinner he also started clapping his hands out of nowhere, I grabbed the video recorder right away, and we caught him on tape.  It's so cute.  I'll upload the video and put it on my blog as soon as I figure out how to do that.  Still no teeth, but I think gumming the crib railing is providing some relief for him as those new baby teeth are likely coming soon.
Nathan_crib_5  Nathan_crib_6


  1. what a cute boy!!! love the pics - beautiful eyes too.
